Thursday, December 30, 2004

Raising fish in a tank is depressing.

I'm not sure if I get more pleasure watching the fishes swimming about or does the frequent trips to the garbage can with a dead fish in my hand erase all the pleasure of having them in my possession in the first place.
When I urged Andy to buy 2 gold fishes for Alex at his 3rd year birthday, I, aparently, forgot all about the darker side of it all. Now he has gotten into this fish raising hobby but is temporarily out of town for the month, I'm facing their dying and the cleanup afterwards all by myself. It is depressing. Even though I also have a small jug of new borm fries growing, the constant depleding adult population in our 25 gallon tank is such a downer.
Some people believe, perhaps myself included, that every dead fish represents a bad luck it blocked for its owner. What BS that is but a self deluting execuse for fish owners to give themselve for their neglect toward the helpless creatures in their tanks. I'm sure all fish owners have good intentions toward their lovely pets that keep themselves entertained. But are we not playing the role of God? What if we, human beings on eartch are like the fishes in the tank to our God? Are our self killing and death from nature disasters on this planet the fault of our God's neglect and carelessness?

We're responsible fish owners. I know my water to fish ratio is within the recommended ratio of 1 gallon to 1 inch of fish. We have a few neon tetras, 4 guppies and a couple other barbs and algae eaters. We keep our water temperature and salinity at the recommended degree for these fishes.

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